An Everlasting Love

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“God told Abram: “Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you. I’ll make you a great nation and bless you. I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing. I’ll bless those who bless you; those who curse you I’ll curse. All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:1-3 

I have not told you about this new thing God is doing. I have not told you about how sometimes God can show up at your door in the skin of a beautiful woman named Hannah and place music into your hands. “Listen to this… I am doing a great thing,” God whispers.

And there they are. Six perfect, beautiful songs, written in God’s voice. Telling of His unfailing, everlasting love. Offering rest within His arms. Encouraging you to come a little closer. Promising the darkness will not last forever, for He has already won the battle. The music fills the room. It fills your heart. It soothes your spirit.

God has written a soundtrack to intertwine with the stories He has told in Genesis. They are love songs to go with His love stories.

It was Fall when Hannah showed up at my door. My next-door neighbor who I barely knew. She had produced a CD, Songs from the Father’s Heart. I had written a book, Genesis: Small Stories of a Big God. It is barely Winter and here we are singing these songs and telling these stories together. Who, but God, the Loving Father, could have orchestrated such a thing?

Below are my opening words that follow behind Hannah's song, Everlasting Love. If you come to see us, you will hear God call out to Abraham these same words; "Come, follow me. Because I have loved you from before the world began.” And if you listen closely, you will hear Him whisper the same thing to you.

“I have loved you with an everlasting love. 

My love so pure.

My love so kind. My love so deep. My love so wide…

This is how God calls us. With His love.

I have drawn you to myself – in all your brokenness

I have loved you from before the world began.

This is God’s Story. It is a love story. There is no other story in all the world of a God who loves. A God who doesn’t demand sacrifices… but a God who sacrificed for us. Because He loves us – with an everlasting love.

It is a story of love that God begins telling us in the words we call Genesis. It is a story tracing how very, very broken we are. It is a story of God’s unfailing love for us – the broken.” 

To Listen to Everlasting Love;