Looking Back on 2019: A Year of Extravagant Abundance

2019 Outrageous Abundance.jpeg

I have to admit – this whole idea of choosing a word for the year is new for me. I first heard of this only a few years ago in the small Christian circles where I roam. I couldn’t really get into it although I loved the concept. But last year – my year of slamming the car into reverse, turning the wheel a hard right and gunning the engine, I thought – why not? I am heading down this new curving road where I have never been before – why not throw a guiding word into the glove compartment in case I get lost?

True to my slightly dyslexic self… (and no, I have not been diagnosed except for strangers asking, “So you have a little trouble with transposing things, huh?) …I couldn’t pick one word. I needed two words to tell the story of where I thought I was heading.

And they were words most people don’t pull out of the bible and say, “Oh, yeah, that is the word I want to cling to this year!” I didn’t choose words, like ‘patience’ or ‘charity’ or ‘kindness’ that speak to a humble heart. Those admirable words of humility did not speak to me. Heck, no. I wanted the good stuff. Overflowing. That’s why just one word wouldn’t get it.

I chose the word ‘Abundance’. Because I think that is who God is. Abundant and full of everything I could need – or want. (Take note of Abraham’s servant going to find a wife for Isaac in Genesis 14!) But that wasn’t enough for me. No. It just didn’t tell the best story. I wanted that other word that comes with Jesus’s telling of the prodigal son: ‘Extravagant’. I have heard it taught that ‘prodigal’ means extravagant – but may apply better to the extravagant love of the father in the story than the extravagant living of the youngest son. So there you go – my word, excuse me, ‘words’ for 2019 would be ‘extravagant abundance’. Because that is who I trust God to be.

Now mind you, I am not in the camp of ‘Name it and claim it’. I see no biblical basis or teaching of Jesus that supports the prosperity gospel. I just have to throw that little disclaimer out there. 

My words were not ‘extravagant abundance’ because I was hoping for gold coins to fall from heaven. But God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so I figured I could trust in His generous nature.

Inspired by Ann Voskamp’s Instagram post of listing out where God has led her since January of ten years ago when she submitted the manuscript for 10,000 Gifts, I thought I needed to take a good look at where this past year of God’s ‘extravagant abundance’ has taken me.

It has been – dare I say it this way – an interesting year. I think the earlier analogy of throwing the car in reverse holds up. Here we go.

It started with God quietly giving me the certainty that I needed to let go of teaching the Bible Study that had nurtured and nourished me for over 18 years. I opened my hands and let go. And watched as He filled that position I stepped out of with someone I never imagined; someone dear who stood so close to me that she stepped effortlessly into my worn-out shoes. 

And right behind her God filled the other positions that had suddenly become empty in my trail of leaving. I stepped back, my mouth open in wonder and awe. The new team that replaced my team was not the b-team or back-ups – they were amazing and inspiring and God-breathed. They were rock stars from the word ‘go’.  My heart could sing as I watched them take hold of new wings and soar. I was actually a little jealous of how incredible they were. Yes. Extravagant. Yes. Abundance.

And then there was The Book. I had worried and fretted and written and corrected this outrageous project God had placed on my heart. Genesis: Small Stories of a Big God. God had me writing a book exploring one of the most beloved, controversial, well-known books in both the Hebrew and Christian Bible – and here I was with no theology degree, no doctrinal training, writing about the men and women who had conversations with Almighty God. What in the world was I thinking? God didn’t seem to care too much about my shortcomings and by April I was holding a real printed book in my hands and asking people to read it.

And they did. People I love read it. People I love who have very different opinions about God read it. People I didn’t know read it. Strangers bought it at book signings and relatives ordered it online. I randomly will get an email or a text from someone I haven’t talked to in years telling me about forming a small group to study it. I have an author’s account on Amazon. And I have photographs people have sent me of my book on shelves in Barns and Noble between Tebow and Corrie Ten Boom. It is almost too much. It is almost embarrassing. But God doesn’t care. Because he is Extravagant. And Abundant.

I wanted to speak and tell people about this loving God. He has arranged for me to speak to rooms filled with bible scholars who have taught His word for more years than I can think about. He arranged for me to spend three weeks with some young adults who didn't want reading assignments – yet decided to spend 10 more weeks in Genesis after I left. I thought I would teach about Abraham and Jacob, but I have found myself pointing to Jesus much more than I would have ever guessed. What were those words again? Extravagant. Abundance. 

And then there is the other stuff. God took away my film work when I turned the hard right and headed down this unpaved road. Our accountant said we would need to sell the house. Downsize. We worked on our budget. And suddenly all the numbers lined up above the line. And we bought a car. And accepted a dog. And took a vacation. Extravagant. Abundance.

And then Hannah knocked on the door with her music in hand.

Jane says she sounds like a Disney princess theme song. I say she sounds like the soundtrack to Genesis. She sings of a Loving Father. She sings of freedom in the prison. She sings of God’s request to come a little closer. She sings of forgiveness and promises fulfilled. And she has agreed to walk this unknown road beside me. We have joined the stories and songs together to tell of our God, the Loving Father, well known by those who say ‘yes’ to His ‘extravagant abundance’.

Here I am with too many words to explain my year of choosing two unlikely words. And here I am, typing in the dark outside on a cold winter January night – realizing that they were the perfect words for 2019. 

My God is generous and extravagant. His love is abundant. And for that, I am grateful. Which leads me to my new word – yes, just one- for 2020. Gratitude. We will see how well that works as my road map this coming New Year.