“I am not the person I want to be. I want to be strong and resilient, able to rise above every circumstance to find a good way out, to power through difficulties, to soar above. It is cooler than I expected. The gray clouds again sit on the crests of the mountains, and no matter how I try, I can’t change my reality.
Which is what? No electricity. No water. Of course, no internet, no text, no phone service. Our weather information remains frozen on our screens since the last time we checked it Thursday evening before going to bed. We are marooned at a ski resort in the off-season with no snow. Two nights ago, the winds blew from the east with the approaching sound of a freight train; the rain blew sideways. During the black of the night, you didn’t hear the trees fall for the thundering sound of the wind in their leaves. It was almost as if they just quietly laid down.
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