Seriously, We Were Created for What?

What an amazing thought.

I tend to forget about God’s rights to me. He designed me. He created me. In His own image. There must have been some purpose for such an elaborately designed creature such as myself.

Oh, there it is…dominion. Over the fish and the birds and the livestock and the earth and let’s not forget about every creeping thing. And be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. All of that is in there if you keep reading.

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Sour Milk and Baby Breath

I have baby spit-up on my black Ralph Lauren pajamas. The smell of freshly soured breast milk floats up to greet me. The baby rustles in the pee-damp sheets of the pack and play. He won’t be slipping back to sleep for just one more hour as we had planned.

My daughter rushes out the door, almost late for work, berating herself for making ‘the worst decisions’ in the middle of the night when the baby awoke, and she decided his impromptu 4 AM feeding could substitute for the 6.

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The Wonderful Smallest Things

The sun is stretching high into the sky, its light blinding and high already on this summer morning. White particles of dust float around me, reflecting the light as they dance between me and the dark leaves of the magnolias.

But looking longer, I realize they are not dust, but the tiniest flying insects, gifting me with morning entertainment.

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The Wrong Answer

What do you do when God gives you the worst possible answer? We had prayed for repentance, renewal, restoration – yet God has rained down death and destruction upon the children’s heads.

Why would God do that – if there really is even such a being as God of the Universe – a good and caring God? Why would He not tip the cup forward to overflow with the things He loves: justice and righteousness?

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Carry One Another

The text comes in at 7AM. “Surgery today. Please pray.” 

My nephew’s wife stood hard and fast onto her brake, trying to stop her car as the car from the opposing direction decided suddenly to turn left into her path. The children in the back seat were okay. Her foot was broken like the egg in the nursery rhyme and the doctors didn’t seem to know how to put it back together again. Small town in Mississippi. Eleven days. Three surgeries. And the pain continues.

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We Worship a Scarred God

Lord, I do not even know how you have protected me. I am oblivious. Blind. Naïve. You gave us such limited sight and such hemmed in awareness.

We go through our days putting our hands on what is within arms-reach – completely unaware of the angel standing guard over us, sword drawn, eyes watchful.

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You Were Made for Me…

God and Adam had work to do on that first Saturday afternoon so long ago: the naming of the all the birds in the sky, the beasts, and the livestock. It was pretty sweet that God allowed Adam the honor of naming those living, breathing creations. I wonder if God was writing it all down in a thick bound book, His finger engraving their names in a godly calligraphy?

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Watching the Playback

 In my world of film and video, we have something called ‘playback’. After the “Roll camera,” “Speed,” “Action,” and “Cut,” the director can say, “I want to look at playback before we move on to the next scene.”

And the video assist technician, the script person, the client and agency, and director will gather around the video monitor to watch the favorite takes ‘play back’. Heads will nod in agreement. Or occasionally we will decide we need one more take with some minor adjustment.

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But You Picked Me…

The sand would be cold in the morning, as I slipped my feet out of my flip-flops. The sky and the water and the sand blending together in shades of pale gray blue, waiting for the soon to rise sun to pierce through the darkness and bring it’s aquas and turquoises and brilliant shocking blues trailing behind it.

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Slipping into Her Skin

My friend Ann introduced me to Glyn Evan’s Daily with the King and most mornings as I read through the devotional for the day, some sentence he wrote will cut through my complacent spirit to find its mark. Here it is this morning: 

“Is there any greater sensitivity to human need than ‘God so loved the world’? The tragedy is that often we become harder toward people as we walk with God. If so, something is terribly amiss.”

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