Small Stories of a Big God

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I Cannot Come Down

 “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?”

Nehemiah 6:3 ESV

It is in the night that the whispers come, lingering in the shadows, still quietly with me when the sun rises. “You are empty,” the voice tells me. “You have nothing to offer. Nothing anyone wants,” it taunts. As I pour my coffee with this uneasy cloud of worthlessness still hanging over me, I glance at the scripture that has found its home there in my kitchen for the past ten years:

"I am doing a great work and I cannot come down."

I think to myself, “I need to take that scripture down. I have no great work I am doing. I have nothing to accomplish.”

 By the fire, under the blanket, next to the dog, I open Daily with the King by W. Glyn Evans and read, “Think of Sanballat and Nehemiah…”. Tears sting my eyes. I don’t even have to read further to know the rest of the story.

Sanballat had done all he could to attack and threaten Nehemiah to stop, to give up, to walk away from rebuilding the broken wall that once stood around Jerusalem. Nothing had succeeded. And so he tried a new tactic; “Come down and meet me for lunch in the valley.” It seemed harmless enough. Why not take a little break for sandwiches and tea and a little friendly conversation? Perhaps peace could be forged with this life-threatening enemy.

But Nehemiah knew God’s purpose for him - God’s priority was his priority; completing the wall that stood for unity and safety for a fragile people. So, no, he could not take his eyes off his great work. He would not come down from what he was accomplishing. “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.”

These are the words that greet me twice this morning over my first cup of coffee. “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.”

The tears burn my eyes because I know this is God’s Spirit reminding me with unmistakable clarity: “You are doing My work and you have no business chatting with the devil. I hear what he is saying to you. But my instructions to you are the same as they were to Nehemiah: You are doing a great work and you cannot stop, give up, quit, walk away.” Mr. Evans says it this way; “Never must I turn from God’s directive (to build walls for His work) to think about Satan’s suggestions.” I pause to let that sink in.

This is something we forget about – or perhaps do not realize in the first place; we all are incredibly valuable to God. He has prepared great work for us to accomplish. We are needed. We are valuable. Our hearts - and our hands.

Nehemiah didn’t come down. And the wall which had been broken and a sign of shame and disgrace for many many years was rebuilt – not in years or months – but in 52 days. It was an insurmountable task. Daunting. Impossible. But it was accomplished because every person, every household, stood guard and worked diligently on their assigned stretch of the great wall. They were doing a great work and they did not come down. 

What great wall has God given you to build? What great work has God given you to do? Do not listen to the discouraging voices. Pick up your shovel – and your sword – and build. 

Nehemiah 6:3, 16 and Ephesians 6:10-13

PS: I wrote this in early December after reading December 2nd’s devotional reading from Daily With The King. I have taught Nehemiah’s story twice and I am always inspired by his incredible leadership and determination. This first Sunday of January I had the privilege of hearing Andy Stanley tell this story again. It is profound and helpful. I hope it finds a permanent home in your kitchen. Next to the coffee cups. 

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