The girl child sat in my lap as I flipped through the children’s book of bible stories to the telling of Passover. She was excited because she and her family had attended Passover Seder on Saturday night at a friend’s house and she had been given the privilege of perhaps finding the “afikoman.” It has hard to get the exact details from her. She is three. That should be enough explanation.
I grew up in a Christian home so our traditions were more of the egg hiding kind than the traditional matzo hiding kind but I knew what she was talking about.
When my kids were little, my daughter wanted us to celebrate Passover, so my Jewish business partner graciously invited us to join her family. Before that, I had celebrated a Passover meal lead by Murray Tilles. His ministry, Light of Messiah, connects Jewish people to Jesus and Christians to their Jewish roots – so that is where I had first encountered a true Seder.
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